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Réf : T02510

Thème : Terre vue de l'espace - Fleuves - Rivières - Lacs  (517 images)

Titre : Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, Missouri June, 1996

Description : (La description de cette image n'existe qu'en anglais)

Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, Missouri June, 1996 The Ohio River enters the Mississippi River near the center of this image with its north-looking low-oblique view. The Ohio River enters from the east in the upper right portion of the scene, while the Mississippi River enters from the north in the upper left and flows generally southward, exiting in the lower left portion of the image. In terms of water volume, the Ohio is the largest tributary of Mississippi River. Portions of the Missouri Boot Heel, a fertile agricultural area, are visible to the west (left) of the Mississippi River. The low, gently rolling terrain of Western Kentucky comprises the east (right) of the Mississippi River. At the extreme bottom left, and barely discernible on the image, is the small city of New Madrid, Missouri